The only reason I love the Fall...

Friday, August 24, 2012

...because I know you're all dying to know!

Above photos from

Above photos taken at World Market

British Flag clothing! I friggin' LOVE Union Jack! And I realized that the time I see this symbol the most is the end of Summer/beginning of Fall. So I thought I'd put some money aside and stock up when I get the chance. I already bought 2 from Macy's and have worn one already! 
(I'll take pictures some other time...)

On to more pressing matters...I announced on my Facebook that I will be cosplaying as Assassin's Creed's Desmond Miles this year at Nekocon since my hair's still short! I immediately began hunting for a white hoodie for my cosplay when I came across UbiSoft's Official Swag Site.  They have Desi's hoodie from Brotherhood. I think 'Well, that's just fine.' then I glance down at the price and it's $90.

Sold Out you say? It's cool because it's $90 the Hanes option is an affordable $11!

 After recovering from my cardiac arrest I try and check out some options. I find myself a lovely white hoodie for $11 online at Wal-mart and journey to my local one in high spirits. It turns out they didin't have them in-store but NO MATTER. I saw it online and I will obtain it by God! I check out how much shipping is ($0.97) and squeal girlishly in the office before ordering it! I can sew some red cloth on the inside my damn-self.

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You can type any information you would like here. I can't do that as Bruce Wayne... as a man. I'm flesh and blood. I can be ignored, destroyed. But as a symbol, I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.

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