Harry Potter 7 1 of 2 and Cirque Du Soleil

Monday, April 25, 2011

I thought I'd write this while waiting for adobe cs5 master collection to install. I went to Cirque du Soleil with my co-worker Antonia and we had a BLAST. I would really like to go again but at $160 a ticket i'm more than happy to relive it in my mind...

The acrobatics were amazing (as per usual) as always and the theme was 'Totem' so there were lots of cool Native American skits and dances. I feel like suck a little kid whenever I watch things like this. 'Tonia and I were openly amazed at the stunts and flips performed (much tot he dismay of the 'cool' teenagers sitting next to us). Anyway, I can't wait till next year for the next one!

I spent my Easter with Janine and we watched the 7th Harry Potter movie as I'd never seen it before. It was almost like I'd imagined and I was fairly happy with it. Having read all the books I don't put much stock in the movies but I often feel like if I hadn't read all the books before seeing the movies I wouldn't know what was going on.

I drew Ron and Hermione and I might finish this. I have no idea what to draw for Otakon. :<

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