Vista Print Experience

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Now don't get me wrong. This isn't normally one of those type of blogs that writes reviews and whatnot but I thought I should warn my fellow art-buddies about my Vista Print experience.

Remember those My Little Pwny Stickers I wanted to get printed? Well I saw a Groupon offering $17 for $70 of products from them so I immediately bought 2 like a boss. By the time Otakon rolled around I was ready to print and went to the site to set up my files. The system was relatively easy and they offer guides and other useful information to make things easy on people who don't do this often.

I breezed through and got my file uploaded without a hitch. I get to the Cart section and don't see a space for my Groupon Code. "It's cool," I think. "maybe it's at the end." However, my faith was for naught  and I was out $72.

I contacted the company via email after cancelling my order because apparently they don't give refunds, they give credits. I didn't want credits. I wanted my  money back. After I sent a note stating this I eventually got a note back apologizing for the error and saying my money would be refunded promptly. Cool.

But then began my hunt of where the heck to put my Groupon code. I eventually found a forum that basically said there was a special site for using your code. This forum post included a link which I clicked and finally got my stuff uploaded and shipped off.


The Groupon was $17 and the S+H (I opted for Priority) was $16.12. Ok Whatever. I guess it's better than the $56.04 I would've spent. (Kinda...)

Anyway. This is how my product arrived to me:


I was more than upset but it was too close to the convention to reorder so I dealt with it. And don't get me wrong the print quality was awesome but jeez! I was also irked that I had to cut down the stickers myself because sometimes they were printed so close to the edge I was in danger of damaging my goods.

Look at #4. Not just one was bent. All 8 sheets were.

I decided to open the Wii PWNY first because the envelope was already ripped (wtf?) but nothing inside was damaged (other than the giant fold across the bottom 2 stickers). And as I said the print quality was awesome I was mostly irritated because after seeing this image I was expecting the cards to be pre-cut but alas no. After a little quality time with my x-acto blade it got done.

Anyway I decided to give away my other Groupon seeing as I'd rather not even deal with this again. I should probably mention that I've have business cards printed by them and they came out beautifully. Maybe just stick to those when dealing with Vista Print. 

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