Showing posts with label CharlesOwens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CharlesOwens. Show all posts

We did, in fact, Get Caught

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If you're viewing my actual blog and not just the one that pops up on my facebook (unlikely). You will notice (to the right) a list of appearances and conventions. They're just places I plan to be or were at. And you may have also noticed that one of the places I was going to be was 'DON'T GET CAUGHT' the gallery opening of the art of Charlie Owens.

The opening was held at the newly moved Art Whino in the National Harbour. I had a lovely time and actually bought a print to hang in the bedroom of my new apartment (which I have yet to move into).

Marcus and myself were pretty excited about the showing having seen a little of his art and loving his style we wanted to chat a bit with the artist but alas, I am shy and awkward. Marcus had to ask if Mr. Owens would take the picture (below) with us and I showed him a doodle I drew (inspired by his work) while waiting for the rain outside to stop (it didn't).

Oh the awkwardness of me.

You can type any information you would like here. I can't do that as Bruce Wayne... as a man. I'm flesh and blood. I can be ignored, destroyed. But as a symbol, I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.

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